CAGD 270 - Simple DnDMap v3 - 2/22/2023



        The final version of my DnD map was played by Muhammad Salaman and Angel Suazo. Angle was playing as the Warrior class while Muhammad was playing as the Rouge class. One thing that they liked about playing through the game was the way the map was laid out. Both of them liked that they were able to choose different paths and the different paths would determine the difficulty of their playthrough. Angle and Muhammad said that they really liked the jump spots on the map and felt that gave a little bit of RNG to the gameplay. They also liked that the items were shown on the map and how the items were predetermined as well as having the healing items for the players so one of them can heal without worrying about not getting a high enough roll. Lastly, they liked how they could play with the checkpoint system, for example, in the last split path if one player went one way and the other went the other way whoever made it through easier could hit the checkpoint than the player that isn't there yet could die then respawn further up.

Something that went wrong was some of the enemies were too overpowered and had too high of stats. Looking back on it I did not realize that by giving the main boss max stats I would basically make him unkillable. My thought process when making the boss what that he was meant to be the final boss and be extremely difficult, but I did not realize that if I give him too high of stats the fight would not be fun and there would be a lot of the players respawning. I could improve this by making the enemies have more balanced stats and that might make the game a bit easier. 

Another thing that I was given feedback on was to have more items. I did have two items in the beginning and then another healing item midway through and also right before the boss fight. I was told that if I was to add more items that it might help add more fun aspects to the combat. So, I can improve the lack of items problem by adding more items in the open space that I have on the map, and also, I could also have some enemies drop items as a reward for defeating them in battle.

Some challenge that is introduced to this level is that it might be too hard or even unbeatable. The reason it could be too hard is that some of the enemies have too high of stats and so the fights with the enemies get dragged out and could be no longer fun. The level could become unbeatable because not only are the regular enemies difficult to defeat but the boss enemy is even harder to defeat. The reason the boss is so difficult to defeat is that when I was given the stat ranges we were allowed for the enemies and boss I did not think that by giving him max out stats he would become so powerful compared to the player that he might not be able to be defeated. All of this could be improved by simply lowering the stats to make them more balanced.

There was no obvious path, but the player was able to choose which way they decided to go, and they were able to see what obstacles and enemies will lie ahead. I put these options in there because on the first two versions of the level I was given feedback that the players liked how they could choose their path, so I decided to keep that element in the level design.


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