CAGD 270 - 2D Mega Man Level v1 - 3/8/2023

     What went right during the playtest is that the player was always able to find out which way they were supposed to go. For this level, I decided to have the path of the level be very linear and not have too many different paths they could take. Another thing that went well is that the spacing on many of the enemies was good. The player never seemed to be overwhelmed by enemies coming from each direction. This is a good thing because this level was supposed to be sort of an introductory level and so I tried to make it seem like the player was able to relax at many points and also take it slow. 

    What went wrong is the play testers seemed like there were too few enemy types. Some of the play testers were saying that they would have liked to fight different types of enemies instead of the same three enemies all game. Many of the players seemed to finish the level extremely quickly, and even though many of them have experience playing platformers the game seemed a little too short. This probably happened because of the difficulty I made the level. If I make the level a little bit longer while also adding a few more enemies, the games will last a bit longer even for the more experienced players.

    Some ways that I can improve my level for the next version is by following all the feedback that I received and viewed from the play testers. Some of the play testers also had different suggestions on how I could improve not just the enemy part of the level but also the aesthetics and how I could make it better for the player to navigate through the level. One example was during the level you fall a great distance and the play tester suggested that I put an arrow to show the player that it would be ok to drop and to build more of a trust with the player.

    The challenge of the level was appropriate to the skill level of what the player was supposed to be. Designing the level, I had in mind that it was going to be a beginner to playing platformer games. It made it a little more difficult to judge the difficulty level and the time it would take to complete when all the play testers were experienced at playing platformer games.

    The path of the level was very obvious. I did not put many points in the level where the player could choose which way they want to go. I have one point in the game where if the player falls, they end up going a different path, but that path immediately leads back to the main path. I did not want to confuse the player too much on which way they should go, and which way could be the right or wrong way. I felt like keeping it a little more simple of a level and more of a classic platformer feel.

    The overall flow of the game was much more of a slower past. I did not want the game to be very quick and overwhelming for players especially if they were either not very good at platformers or new to the style of game entirely. I felt like if the game had too many enemies or just too many things going on the game would become a chaotic or fast past for any everyday player. Keeping the game quick, simple, and easy was the main goal in mind while creating the level.


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